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Creative Greensboro's Playwrights' Forum was founded in 1993. Its mission is to aid playwrights of the Piedmont Triad and North Carolina in getting published or produced through contacts, marketing, and improving their skill as dramatic writers.
Check out the past 28 years of original plays!
Monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month starting at 7 pm. Our meetings are free and open to the public. Each meeting we read the monthly writing assignment followed by plays being worked on by area playwrights.
Membership in the Drama Center's Playwrights' Forum is $40 per calendar year and allows you full access to all our writing assignments. You are also eligible to submit scripts for consideration in the Evening of Short Plays, North Carolina New Play Project (regardless of residency status) and the Page to Stage Reading Series. To join, fill out a membership form.
North Carolina New Play Project
Creative Greensboro hosts the annual North Carolina New Play Project with a generous donation from the Mark Gilbert Estate. Scripts by North Carolina resident and student playwrights are accepted annually.
Evening of Short Plays
Members are encouraged to submit short plays for the annual Evening of Short Plays.
Page to Stage Reading Series
The Page To Stage reading series allows a playwright to hear their plays read allowed by actors for the first time in public and get feedback towards a possible fully realized production .Reading performances are held at various locations throughout the community. Submissions are due the last Wednesday of the month prior to the reading date. All forum members are encouraged to volunteer to be on at least one reading panel a year.
Dramatists' Playground
The Forum offers a unique opportunity for actors and playwrights to participate in the collaboration of crafting one play in one day. Actors and playwrights work from 10 am to 8 pm to develop, script, and rehearse a truly original play. The Dramatists' Playground has become one of the forum's most exciting and daring programs for both the participants and audience. This is a free event.
200 North Davie Street, Greensboro, North Carolina 27401, United States