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Sounding Board hosted by MANC
$10 suggested entry
no ticket required

Join Sounding Board for a special concert as we present music we’ll be taking to Bucaramanga, Colombia! Sounding Board is a new indie chamber music ensemble composed of Annie Jeng (piano), Rachael Keplin (viola), Luke Ellard (clarinet), and Erik Schmidt (percussion). As classically-trained musicians, Sounding Board channels being a 'real band' through minimalistic girly pop grooves, chaotic and profound noises, and weepy melodies.
This program will feature works by Marc Mellits, John Cage, Jessie Montgomery, Harriet Steinke, and Rachael Keplin.

All proceeds will go towards the support of artist travel and performance fees.


The Music Academy of North Carolina

  • 1327 Beaman Place, Greensboro, North Carolina 27408, United States

  • Free
  • In-person
  • All ages
Phone Number
  • 336-379-8748
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