- 336-373-2026
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Creative Greensboro is the City of Greensboro's office for arts & culture.
Creative Greensboro values the work of artists and arts organizations, their contributions to the vibrancy of the community, and their role in economic development.
We value the diversity of cultural expression in Greensboro and the right of all individuals to express themselves through their own language, customs, art forms and cultural expressions.
We value the strength that comes from partnerships and collaborations between the public, private, nonprofit, and educational sectors.
We value complete access to arts and culture for all Greensboro residents, without financial, social, geographic or other barriers to participation, learning and exposure.
We value the importance of a healthy, vibrant arts, cultural and creative community supported through public, private and individual sources.
We value creating policies and practices that ensure fair, equitable access for all organizations and individuals to participate in the arts, culture, heritage and creative expression.
We value showcasing Greensboro as an arts destination and invite visitors to experience our history, our present, and our future with us.
200 North Davie Street, Greensboro, North Carolina 27401, United States
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