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GreensboroArtsHub AI Assistant Beta Test: Feedback

Please complete this form after you have tested both AI Assistant Daisy and AI Assistant Rosy.

AI Assistant Beta Tester Feedback

1. Your Name*

1. Your Name*

2. Your email*

2. Your email*

3. Did you prefer one AI assistant over the other?*

3. Did you prefer one AI assistant over the other?*

4. Report your experience.*

4. Report your experience.*

4. Please report your feedback from you testing. It will be helpful to hear what kinds of questions you asked, what kind of responses you received, anything you particularly liked and anything you disliked or found inoperable. Tell us as much as you'd like.

5. Report your recommendations*

5. Report your recommendations*

5. Please give us your advice for possible implementation of an AI assistant on GreensboroArtsHub. Do you think it's a good idea? What should we do before launching it? Really, just about any advice you have would he welcomed here. Tell us as much as you'd like.
