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▶ Meeting details.

Greensboro Arts Hub Youth Committee Meeting
March 20, 2025 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Hemphill Branch Library
▶ 2301 West Vandalia Road, Greensboro, North Carolina


Your name:*

Your name:*

Your email:*

Your email:*

Your parent or guardian's name:*

Your parent or guardian's name:*

Your parent or guardian's email:*

Your parent or guardian's email:*

Your parent or guardian's phone number:*

Your parent or guardian's phone number:*

What grade are you in?*

What grade are you in?*

What school do you attend?*

What school do you attend?*

What are your areas of artistic interests?*

What are your areas of artistic interests?*

select all that apply

Dietary restrictions/preferences

Dietary restrictions/preferences
