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Greensboro Arts Hub Inaugural Idea Jam

Thank you for your interest in attending our inaugural Idea Jam. Registration is not necessary, but if you let us know you are intending to come it will help us to plan the right amount of food and drink.

September 26th
Social Mingle: 5:00 pm
Idea Jam: 5:30 pm
501 S. Mendenhall St. Greensboro, N.C.

Are you coming?

Are you coming?

Would you like to bring some food or drink?

Would you like to bring some food or drink?

(No alcohol, please.)

If you are bringing food or drink, what will you be bringing?

If you are bringing food or drink, what will you be bringing?

Finger foods only, please: Sandwiches, wings, veggies, cheese & crackers, cookies, etc. Canned or bottled drinks only, please. We will provide plates, napkins and coolers.

Your email*

Your email*
