The Olde Church
- by Falcon
Lost on a side road not far from Alt-US 17 in South Carolina, Olde Shelton Church stands as testament to resistance, the brutality of the past, and our need to remember. Built before the American Revolution, the church was burned and rebuilt after that war, only to be burned again during the Civil War. The church has been tended by descendants of the original congregation for many generations.
Created in April 2021, in the late afternoon. This image was created looking into the setting sun.
This image was created using Ilford Delta 120MM film. The camera was a Pentax 6x7, manufactured around 1980. The lens was a Pentax 6x7 55-100. This image belongs to a class of work we call "Aura." Our digital and film images are processed using a proprietary methodology that results in a rich visual and emotional experience.
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