Triad Ukulele is a ukulele social club based in Greensboro, NC. Our mission is to promote the enjoyment of the ukulele through jams, social events, and performance opportunities in the Piedmont area of NC. We meet in-person every other Tuesday, with our Zoom jams on our alternate Tuesdays. Both our virtual and our in-person jams begin at 7:00 pm.
Our in-person jams are held at the Greensboro Cultural Center at 200 North Davie Street in Downtown Greensboro. We meet in Room #203 (2nd floor conference room).
Our songbook can be found on our Songbook page, and is available for download as a PDF.
Triad Ukulele welcomes players from all walks of life, all ages and experience levels. Our mission is to spread the love of the Uke! Won't you join us?
Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
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