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Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Sept. 26 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Join us for a fun night of clay play with your special someone! We'll begin with music, charcuterie, and wine, and then head up to the studio for an introductory lesson in wheel throwing. Ashley Jones will demonstrate some basic wheel throwing and then you will try your hands at making your own piece of pottery. You will choose your glaze color when done and we will trim and glaze it for you to be picked up at a later date.
$120 per couple. Register at

Instructor: Ashley Jones
A sculpture and ceramics artist from Lexington, NC, Ashley incorporates wild clay that she gathers throughout North Carolina into her work to explore the relationship between medium and art. Gathering and processing wild clay has made her more connected to the pieces she creates. Each piece is made with intention and respect for the material and source of clay. She is currently working towards a BFA in Sculpture and Ceramics from UNC Greensboro. Ashley views art as a journey to learn and grow through. She hopes to integrate her artistic practice into my teaching practice, in order to empower students to explore their own creativity.


Creative Aging Network-NC

  • 2400 Summit Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina 27405, United States

  • In-person
  • Adults
Phone Number
  • 336-303-9963
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