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  • Free
Unleash your creativity and support local artists at our "Mug on a Mission" fundraiser! Our talented adult pottery students are donating their beautifully handcrafted mugs, each priced at just $30, to help raise funds for essential kiln repairs.
By purchasing a mug, you’re not just getting a unique piece of art; you’re contributing to the vibrant pottery program that brings joy and enrichment to our community!
🎨 While you’re here, explore the stunning visual works of local Greensboro artists:
  • Lonnie Long presents his captivating collage artwork, "The Other Space Race" a unique visual story of Marilyn Monroe transcending space and time.
  • Sam Wade showcases "a collection of paintings" to convey the unique feeling and mood through his portraits
  • Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to support the CVA and bring home a piece of local artistry! The fundraiser is FREE to attend.
✨ Be a part of our mission—every mug purchased makes a difference! Enjoy crafts and light refreshments while you are here.

Center for Visual Arts

  • 200 North Davie Street, Greensboro, North Carolina 27401, United States

  • Free
  • In-person
  • All ages
Phone Number
  • 3363337475
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