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October Acrylic Painting Workshop
Thursdays, October 3rd & 10th from 10:00am - 12:30pm
This Class Meets at CAN-NC
Abstract expressionist Mark Rothko is best known for his large-scale paintings, consisting of horizontal bands of pure color accented by feathery edges. Explore his world of abstract painting with mixed media artist, Jennifer Donley, in this two-session acrylic painting workshop. Create a large-scale abstract painting of your own using Mark Rothko’s techniques for inspiration. $60, supplies and large canvas included. Register at
Location: 2400 Summit Ave, Greensboro, NC 27405


Creative Aging Network-NC

  • 2400 Summit Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina 27405, United States

  • In-person
  • Adults
Phone Number
  • 3363039963
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